Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Fahion Tribes (The Documentary)

Monday, 20 December 2010

Evaluation Question 1 (By Georgie watters)

1) In what ways does your media product use, develop or challengeforms and conventions of real media products?

Our media product 'Fashion Tribes' developed and challenged forms and conventions of real media products by  conventions such as mise-en scene, interview framing and cinematography. This includes every thing that is in front of the camera during interviews. Cutaways were essential to our documentary. When filming our interviewees, me being director i  chose to include  fashion props in the background that related to our documentary so that our audience could relate to the topic. For example in the shot below we have Dj Will Boden, we included fashion props to maximize the fashion aspect of our documentary. 

For our main interview we had well known fashion lecturer Marie Loney, we decided to film her in her office, as she had fashion posters in the background. by using this location it filled the fashion aspect.  As a group we used many other conventions in our documnetary such as, statistics, footage and images of certain modelling shoots, all of what our audience would expect to see in a documentary. The conventions we used also related to our voiceover for 'Fashion Tribes'. 

The topic we chose for our media product is something that you would not normally see as a documentary. So personally i think that we are challenging the media as a whole. The main question we asked throughout our documentry was 'Is society effecting the way you dress?' It is an open question that our audience can answer in many different ways and they can also express their views on the stereotypes that surround their's and others particular fashion trend. . W eonly had five minutes to do  part 1 of our documentary, So as a group we had to make sure we included all the major interviews and include the information that we wanted to get across to our audience in our documentary. This included Statistics, figures and genetic conventions.

We needed to interview people that was related to the fashion industry and had views on the topic we had choosen.  Each of our interviewees had their own views on fashion and the way society effects the way people dress, this gave our docuemntary a larger view and made it appeal to our audience. 

 As i speak there is bullying going on between different social groups and the fashion industry as people are stereotyping one anothers fashion trend involving the fashion element. As a group we researched in several possible topics but decided to stick with fashion as this topic stood out, and not many other documentaries challenged this topic.  As a group we thought this was different and not like any other, we had seen before, therefore this was a challenge to other Media products. Most things on fashion have a negative outlook now days so we wanted to show both sides to the fashion industry the good and the bad. As this is a documentary for HCTV we worked along the lines of  News Night analyzing some documentaries to give us an idea of what we as a group needed to aim for. We followed the lines of their documentaries to achieve the best possible, and make it look real and professional.  As a group this was essential to us as our viewers would expect to see certain conventions in our documentary, so for us it was vital that we included these. Therefore if we follow the possible guidelines of real documentaries we should be able to obtain a professional looking documentary.

Sunday, 19 December 2010

Evaluation Question 2 (By Georgie Watters)

2) How effective is the combination of your main product and the ancillary texts?

The purpose of my main product was to inform our audience oh how society is effecting the way people dress. By doing the ancillary tasks it helped us promote our documentry 'Fashion Tribes' Through The Channel HCTV. I made a newspaper advertisment and a radio trailer to attract my potential audience, into believeing that our documentary would be worth watching.

By creating a newspaper advertisment, i hope that it will help advertise and promote 'Fashion Tribes' the documentary. i used a powerful image and informative texts, that include the time, the date and the channel that our documentary will be aired on. I captured an image that would immediately connote to our audience what our documentry will be about, and will also help inform them of the date, time and channel that it will be aired on. When deciding on how to create my newspaper advertisment
Once i had decided how i wanted my newspaper advertisment to look, i then put my idea's together to create it. I used a balcony as my location thus i used 2 girls dressed in fashionable dresses, to convey to the audience they they fit into the typical stereotypes that surround fashion trends.

I then uploaded my image on to a computer and showed my media teacher. When looking at my first draft of my newspaper advertisment, we both decided that my image needed to be more colourful and needed to be more lighter to enhance the image.

The newspaper advertisment below is my final product. I had several idea's of how i wanted my newspaper advertisment to look like at first. When we picked the topic 'Fashion Tribes' i then settled on my below product. The 2 girls in my picture fit in to our target audience group of 15-28, which is the age that society seems to be effecting the way young people dress. It was vital that my newspaper advertisement captured the requirements of our audience's expectations. i used little amount of text on my newspaper advertisement as i do believe that the mise-en-scene that surrounds my image, connotes to the audience what our documentry is about.

For my second ancillary task i created a radio trailer to promote our documentry to our target audience. To start with i created a script, and used quotes from our finished documentry which i will use in my radio trailer. I wanted to use a powerful and quirky quote at the beginning to attract my audience straight away, and to introduce them to the topic of our documentary 'fashion'.

My radio trailer informs our audience what will be involved in our documentary, such as the different stereotypes that surround certain fashion trends. By using this information in my radio trailer, it attracts the audience in to watching our documentary as well as giving them the information of what is going to come up in 'Fashion Tribes'.

The screenshot below is my finished rasio trailer. I decided to use many quotes from our interviewees in my trailer to make it more effective for my audience. By adding these quotes it informs the audience Of what will come up in our documentary, and what they can expect to hear and see in our documentary if they decide to watch it. I asked a close friend of mine, to do the voice over and emphasis on some of our quotes as her voice is really girly. I had to use a voiceover on my radio trailer to ask questions that we chose to put in our documentry, the question also relate to what may be on our audience's minds. The questions got answered By Me using quotes from our documentry.

I decided to use background music that was originally planned for our documentry as it provides a groovy and upbeat music, that will attract an audience.

when choosing the beginning quote for my radio trailer i picked a rather quirky quote 'do you have a passion for fashion?', As i thought this would immediately grab my audience's attention. I followed it with a quote from marie loney who we interviewed for our documentry, by doing this i hoped that my audience would relate to it rather quickly. Once i had put all my radio trailer together on the time line, including the voiceover and the quotes i then lowered the background music's volume so that the voiceover could be clear and precise. I also wanted the music to be heard as this challenges forms of real media products.

The combination of both my ancillary tasks were very effective as they converge together to promote one media product in two very different ways. By them converging together it means that our media product can be advertised to a variety of potential audience's, which then creates a greater audience for our documentary, if the readers and listeners acknowledge our two advertisements.

By creating the radio trailer, i hope it appeals to those who travel. Hopefully the first quote that introduces my radio trailer will captivate them. The upbeat music in the background will then encourage them to listen to the whole radio trailer, the use of the voiceover will also hopefully obtain their attention.

Personally i think without creating my two ancillary tasks, Our main media product would be a waste of time as our potential target audience would not have been informed about 'Fashion Tribes' including the date, time and channel when it will be aired. So With the simple covergence of a radio trailer and a newspaper advertisement, we can attract an audience that enjoy listening to the radio, or people who enjoy reading the newspaper can then tune in and watch our documentary Fashion Tribes.

Saturday, 18 December 2010

Evaluation Question 3 (By Georgie watters)

3) What Have You Learned From Your Audience Feeback?

This is a video of a girl that kindly gave us feedback on our documentary.

After interviewing one person for my audience feedback, i have learnt that out documentary could have been a bit more different, other than that we did pretty well. We interviewed Teme who is a student at college. She said that the beginning of our documentary, when we have the cutaway of different magazines being chucked was very "professional", shows the audience that we used different techniques to make our documetary stand out.

The next question which was asked was "In what ways do you think it reflects generic conventions of fashion? Teme has said to believe that we followed all conventions as we included all the main bits, for example interviews, cutaways, voiceovers etc. Shows people who are watching this that we did follow all conventions in order to create a good documentary and made it as informative as possible.

What improvements would you suggest? Teme pointed out that if we actually filmed something from a live fashion event, would have made our documentary much better because it will show how we tried out different areas, and worked hard at finding things that have to do with our Fashion Tribes topic. However at the time of when we were doing our production, we were unable to film any fashion shows because there was no shows going on when we were free to film.

Friday, 17 December 2010

Evaluation Question 4 ( By Georgie Watters)

4) How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? 

Throughout the process of making our documentary Fashion Tribes, from planning to the editing, we as a group used many different media technologies to help create a professional looking media product. Throughout the planning stages we as a group used many websites such as Google, Scribd,, Blogger and YouTube. As being director i came across many different equipment being used by our camera and sound girl such as the PD170, Tripod, PagLight, Headphones,And a Tie Clip Microphone. By Our camera and sound girl using all this equipment it insured us that we would have a outcome of a professional filmed documentary.  

We also used various internet sites during the process of making our documentary:

Blogger: We used blogger in order to create our group and our personal blogs, and to log our research, gain audience feedback and log our process, weekly updates and many other things. Using blogger insured us that our work would look professional and organised. 
Google: We used google to research into  various fashion tribes and to gain appropiate information for our documentry and blog. By doing our research on google we gained some of the best possible information in order  gain knowledge on our topic. Google also proved to provide us with some strong images that we could use in out blog too.

Youtube: We used youtube to broadcast our documentry, and it also helped us research in to similar documentries. it did help into researching about documentaries and to view other documentry types.

Scribd: We used scribd to upload some of our documents and to make our work look more presentable and professional. we also used scribd on our personal blogs aswell.

Photoshop: I used photoshop to do my newspaper advertisment. it made my newpaper advertisment look real life, and proved to be hard work at times when using it.

Thursday, 16 December 2010

Radio Trailer (By Georgie Watters)

r Georgie radio trailer by peterotus

Radio Trailer Script

Radio Script

Thursday, 9 December 2010

New And Improved Newspaper Advertisment ( By Georgie Watters)

This Is My Final Draft Of My Newspaper Advertisment.

Friday, 8 October 2010

First Draft Of Proposal (By Georgie Watters)

Analysis of a documentry- Ross Kemp On Gangs- USA (by georgie watters)

I Will Be Analysing A Documentry And How They Use The Four Technical Aspects , Cinematography, Editing, Mise-En-Scene And Sound.

I have chosen The Documentry ‘Ross Kemp on Gangs’ in The USA, part one of five.  I will be analysing  sound First and how it Connects with the images and shots within the extract I Am Viewing. Firstly the extract shows a Medium Close Up establishing shot Of The American Flag This follows With A Fade Away That Reveals A Long Shot of the Country that is Being introduced.
A Voice Over Is Used Throughout The Documentry Of Ross Kemp And Other Men Talking. ,Score music is played To Give The Documentry That Bit More Intesity So It Keeps The Audience In Suspense. By Doing this  It allows It's audience to feel engaged Between Each Of the shots and allows suspense to To Play A Key Role.

After the opening sequence Of The American Flag An Establishing Shot Of A Gun Is Used With The Famous Sound Of Police Sirens Being Used As Non-Digetic Sound.

The Establishing Shot Of The American Flag.

 A Fade Away Leads To A Image Of The City Of America.

At The Beginning Ross Kemp States 'That America Is The Breeding Ground Of Some Of The Toughest Gangs In The Usa'. By Saying This It Intrests The Audience As They Will Now Be Thinking That Ross Kemp Will Be Investigating These Gangs In The USA. 
Sound Is essential in a documentary because it allows the images To flow and  It Also makes sense To Its Viewers. Audiences are Also Likely To Remain Intreseted If The Sound Is Clear Throughout The Documentry.

This Is A Medium Close Up Of Police Officers Arresting Members Of A Gang.

Ross kemp’s voice over allows The Viewers to understand the documentary in much more Immense detail As Its Clear About The Facts That Are included, By Using The Voice Over It Connects with the storyline and engages It's Audience. As This Documentry is about Gangs Surrounding The USA, A Clear And Deep Masculine Voice Is Needed. By Using Ross Kemp's Voice It Helps Connotes To The Audience The Image Of A Tough Man. The voiceover play a key Part When Directing And Producing A Documentry As The Storyline And The Images Need To Connect With One Another.

This Is A Medium Long Shot Of Ross Kemp And Young Children On The Streets Of America.

As Fopr The Mise-En-Scene The Costumes The Gangs Members Are Wearing Portray To The Audience That They Are Part Of A Breeding Gang. As They Have Metal Teeth And Chains That Hang Half Way Down Their Necks. These Props Connote To The Audience That The Men Can Be Dangerous. They do  carry weapons Aswell (I.e Guns). The Audience Could Spot A Gang Member From Afar In This Documentry As They All Have Tattoos That Are Associated With Someone's Death, And Also Wear Thugish Clothing, Which An Audience Would Normally Associate With A Thug Or A Gang Member.   The audience see footage of gang members in the gym, they are working hard on the boxing bags, this connotes to the audience that they are training for fighting.

This Is A Close Up Of Writing On The Floor That Reads 'Blood' This Connotes To The Audience That The Gangs In America Are Looking For War With Other Gangs.

Cinematography Is Essential To Any Documentry, As It Is The Way The Shots Are Put Together To Connect With The Sound And Different Shots. The juxtapose Of Shots Is Vital In Any Documentry As That Is What Binds It All Together And Helps The Audience To Relate To The Storyline. The Use Of Cutaways In This Documentry Portrays To The Audience Violence Of The Gangs In America And Also Creates Suspense. Cutaways shot are Always important In A Documentry Because They Help The Audience Relate To The Topic That Is Being Filmed. By Using A Cutaway In This Documentry It Gives Us The Audience An Idea Of What It Is Going To Be About, It Allows The Audience To See The Cutaways While Listening To A Interview Or Voice-Over. For example,  A Birds Eye View Of The Capital Of New York Is Being Shown, Whilst The Voice Over Is Ross Kemp Talking About The Crimes The Gangs Get Up Too.

Editing Is The Main Part Of This Documentry About Ross Kemp On Gangs. The Way The Documentry Has Been Editing Makes It Seem More Real Life Aswell.  The Match On Action Shot That Is Used When Ross Is Talking About The Weapons Portrays To The Audience That It Is Real And That He Has Taken His Time In Going Over To America To Analyse The Gangs.

Friday, 24 September 2010

Research Into Newspaper Advertising (By Georgie Watters)

Newspaper Advertising Is A Form Of Communication Intented To Persuade An Audience (The Viewer Or Readers)  To Purchase Or Take Some Action Upon Products Or Services. It Includes The Name Of The Product And How The Product Could Help Benefit The Consumer To Persuade A Target Audience To purchase Or Consume That Particular Product. These Products Are Normally Paid For Or Identified Through Sponsers And Are Viewed Through Different Media Platforms. Newspaper Advertising Can Also Communicate An Idea To A Large Number Of People In An Attempt To Convince Them To Take Certain Action. 

Thursday, 23 September 2010

First Draft Of Newspaper Advertisment (By Georgie Watters)

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

My Role In The Group

My Role In The Group Is Director.

I Will Be responsible for overseeing creative aspects of Our Documentry 'Fashion Tribes'. I Will Also Be deciding how the Documentry should look. I also will be directing what tone it should have and what an audience should gain from the cinematic experience. I Am responsible for deciding the camera angles, lens effects, lighting, and set design. I As The director Will Be working closely with the cast and crew to shape Our Documentry. I will also play a key role in post-production. i will be working with the editor to ensure that the emotions of the scene and the close ups, mid shots and wide or long shots appropriately reflect which character is driving the narrative.